General Meeting Info for the 2024-2025 Season!!!!
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Energize and harmonize your color palette right from the start. Explore the impact you can make by laying a foundation of color that takes into consideration the intended mood, temperature and energy of your subject. Changing the base color (or colors) can have a profound effect on the final artwork. Colors, values and temperatures are affected by context. Learn how selecting base colors affect every color that builds on top in both subtle and dramatic ways. Changing how you start a painting will affect how you develop it. Consider the possibilities you can achieve through background color experimentation. I am a native of northeastern Massachusetts and have always been fascinated with flowers and the world around me - landscapes, gardens, plants, buildings, and urban streets.
Throughout my life, I have been drawn to art, and as a teenager even imagined becoming an artist. As an adult, my husband and I raised three sons and built our careers leaving time for little else. After I retired, we became snowbirds and I began to seriously pursue art, first drawing the botanical subjects I love. Through personal exploration, art classes at the Morton Arboretum (Chicago), the Art Institute at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and The Drawing Studio (Tucson) and workshops at TPS, I now find art an old friend providing great relaxation and pleasure. This painting, Loch Awe is a fond reminder of a holiday Geoff and I took to Scotland. The moody loch, often shrouded in clouds, changed throughout the day. Here, in late afternoon the clouds had lifted and the peaceful blues, greens, greys, and purples so typical of western Scotland became evident The Arizona Gives continues throughout the year. Please go to the site, select the Tucson Pastel Society and donate!!!
For Call to Artists CLICK HERE!NewsClick on the Activities Tab for the complete Tucson Pastel Society Calendar.
Check out the plein air/special events page for upcoming events. Meeting times and car pool instructions are listed. Click on the Shows tab to see all of our show information. |
The Tucson Pastelist!A monthly newsletter with updates on the members of Tucson Pastel Society and so much more!
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